Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random Rant: It's still winter? edition

Have you ever slept late on a winter weekend, like really hard & late, and woke up not entirely knowing the day, time, or season? This happened to me today and, even as the pollution of reality started to seep in, I had one moment of what if -- what if it was June and not February. Please please, let it be June. I like to play these mental games with myself.

Then I got up and saw that all of the snow that had melted away in the last few weeks was back... well, 4-5 inches of it anyway. It's actually quite pretty, outlining tree limbs, piling on the bird feeders, where dark-eyed juncos peck away at safflower and thistle seed.

I'm not alone, however -- my cat Bo also believes it to be June. This cat is afflicted with spring fever worse than any animal I ever saw. It lasts from mid-February to mid-June for him. Even the mildest February day can set his brain into believing it is spring, which means all the windows should be open all the time from that moment on. Our other two cats are more moderate; they also love spring but are not invaded quite as violently by the actual spirit of it, which is what seems to happen to Bo when he races through all levels of the house yowling, backtracking, partially going up walls, randomly spinning to chase his tail, and creating a general racket by pounding all fifteen pounds of himself against stairs and floor. Please please, says Bo, let it be spring.

I couldn't agree more.

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